Autism Awareness
Month is in October in Canada. Sure, we
participate in the one in April, but this is just ours.
It’s sad (or
good actually!) to say that most people don’t even know it is Autism Awareness
Month in Canada right now. In many ways,
it is good that people don’t know. That
way they can’t ‘be-ware’ of us.
Awareness doesn’t help us. It
usually hurts us. The general public is
given scary, pathologizing so-called facts about autistic people. That usually just makes the public more
fearful and misunderstanding of us. How
does that make us included and supported in the community or even in our families?
Is lack
of awareness (that strikes me as funny!) about Autism Awareness Month in Canada
a bad thing. In this case, I don’t think
so. We don’t have as many pathologizing,
fear inspiring posts to avoid, like we do in April. Social media is a mine field that we have to
avoid in April.
The question
should be, do we get rid of it (there is after all the April awfulness) or do
we work on true Autism Acceptance and full inclusion in society? I could go with either one, although if we
got rid of it, I wouldn’t have to figure out something to write! Just kidding- a little humour! So, if we keep
it and change the name to Autism Acceptance Month, will that make a difference? I say, no.
Not the way it is being promoted currently. It would be a change in name only as we are
already seeing with some organizations.
We need to see action. Welcome us
and our stims, sensory issues, communication differences in your public
places. Meet us where we are, don’t try
to make us like you, the non-autistic person.
Most of us like who we are and we shouldn’t have to change to fit
someone else’s opinion of how a human should be like.
So far there
are some autism organizations calling it Autism Awareness and Acceptance
Month. Really? If the organizations accepted us then they
would listen to us. The majority of us
want acceptance. We identify as autistic
but they don’t listen to us when they continue to tell us we are with autism or
we have autism. Why aren’t at least half
their board members autistics and I don’t mean just the autistic person who
seems to pass as non-autistic some of the time.
I mean all autistics- speaking, non-speaking, high support, and
everything in between. These organizations make it look like they are
listening to us when they add the ‘acceptance’ part but we know they aren’t,
especially when they still keep the awareness part.
So, Autism
Awareness Month, I could take it or leave it.
It really has no meaning to me.
It is mainly a chance for organizations to say, look at us; see what we
photo reads Autism Acceptance in red font colour.
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